Updates and release notes
Updates and release notes
Welcome to the Oxford Dictionaries API updates page. Here you’ll find API service information plus news of developments to the API, including new datasets, new endpoints, user tutorials, and more. We’re going to be adding much more functionality and content soon – so keep an eye on this page to stay up to date.
Introducing Our New API Plans - Lite and Growing
We are pleased to announce that from 9th January 2025, Oxford Dictionaries will be relaunching our API customer offering with two new plans: the API Lite and the Growing Business.
These plans are the result of extensive collaboration and feedback from our valued customers, ensuring they meet the real-world demands of businesses at every stage.
Key Features:- New Pricing Structure: Our new plans start from £50 per month, billed annually, making high-quality data more affordable than the average monthly gym membership.
- Scalable Solutions: Designed to grow with your business, these plans ensure that smaller or new businesses needn’t compromise on the quality of data.
- Self-Serve (API Lite): The API Lite plan is fully self-serve, allowing you to manage and integrate our services with ease.
- Streamlined Account Management: All account management is now centralized in one place, providing full control of your account.
If you are interested in signing up to one of our plans, please visit this page for more information.
Updated documentationWe would also like to announce that our technical documentation on the website has now been updated with new and relevant information, to continue supporting your use of the Oxford Dictionaries API and all it has to offer. These updates include:
- A new page documenting all the API features and how you can access them from different endpoints and languages.
- An updated FAQs page, packed with answers to some common questions, by providing information about our existing and new plans, as well as technical details about the API’s lexical features, content coverage, and functionality.
If you have any questions about the above, please get in touch and we will be happy to support you with what you are looking for.
New Simplified Chinese Monolingual endpoint added to the ODAPI – June 2024 content update:
Chinese definitions are landing on the Oxford Dictionaries API thanks to the addition of the Simplified Chinese Monolingual dictionary, which will be accessible from 13th June 2024. This will now be available alongside the already-existing Chinese<>English translations, making our Chinese offering on the API more complete.
How can Chinese definitions be accessed?The Simplified Chinese dictionary can now be accessed via the Entries or Words endpoint, using the language code "zh". You can also use this in the Search endpoint to get possible Chinese headword matches for a given word.
What features will this data include?The Simplified Chinese dictionary data will include key features that are typically found in our monolingual endpoints, including definitions, examples, and transliterations. Other features include lexical category, derivatives, senses and their IDs, compounds, phrases, and editorial notes.
Who can use it and how?Existing and non-existing users who would like to the trial the Simplified Chinese dictionary on the ODAPI can contact us to get exclusive trial access. If you are interested in licensing the Simplified Chinese dictionary via the Oxford Dictionaries API, please get in touch with us for more information.
For more information on our available languages, please visit our supported languages page.
English language datasets – June 2024 content update:
The content of the English datasets is being updated on the ODAPI. These updates take effect automatically from 3rd June 2024.
English dictionary datasets (UK and US)Additions:
Around 230 new headwords, phrases, and senses were added to the English dictionary datasets. Over 3,000 senses have been added to the American English dictionary. The following are a few examples:
- New words include active shooter, dairy-free, emerging market, First People, global majority, home invasion, mpox, school shooting, side quest, twindemic, ultra-processed, wrongthink.
- New words in science, medicine, technology, and the environment include artificial general intelligence, cosmic web, cryosphere, generative AI, heat dome, interoception, megadrought, prompt engineering, training data.
- New words from our World English program focused on Japanese terms and words used in Hispanic contexts include buenos dias, cafecito, charrería, donburi, isekai, kintsugi, kirigami, sugar skull.
At least 4,000 entries were editorially revised, updated, or corrected for this release. User feedback was implemented, and corrections made where appropriate.
- Creation of full entries for 100 previously undefined derivatives include aerobatic, auto-eroticism, crookedness, double-crosser, dualist, extemporization, monetarist, nepotistic, relativist, structuralist, sublimation, zesty.
Sensitivity in the dictionary data:
We conducted major projects to ensure that our content remained up to date and appropriate for all users. These include:
- The Language of Disability project, which involved the revision of over 80 entries and adding terms including D/deaf, disablism, dysmorphism, hearing impairment, legally blind, vision-impaired.
- The Women’s Health project, which involved the revision of over 60 entries, dealing with topics such as menstruation, menopause, and childbirth.
There have been no changes in sensitivity label values. Sensitivity label values remain: derogatory / offensive / vulgar slang.
Pronunciations & audio:
Pronunciations in the form of IPA transcriptions and audio have been created for all new entries added in this release. Pronunciation additions and improvements have also been made to over 6,000 existing entries.
Data improvements in the Entries/Words endpoint:
- Values for lexicalCategory and grammaticalFeatures have been improved for more consistency and granularity. Prefixes and suffixes such as “pre-” and “- ment” now have lexicalCategory “affix” and grammaticalFeatures “prefix” and “suffix” respectively; and prepositions such as “behind” have lexicalCategory “adposition” and grammaticalFeatures “preposition”.
At least 750 entries have been edited or revised in the UK and US English thesaurus. The following are some examples:
- New synonyms have been added to more than 150 entries, including fugazi at counterfeit, catfish at cheat, impairment at drunkenness, like taking candy from a baby at easy, beakish at hooked, and feel someone's pain at sympathize.
Sensitivity in the thesaurus data:
- Sensitive content (particularly that relating to the language of disability) was reviewed and updates made, and user feedback was implemented.
- There have been no changes in sensitivity label values. Sensitivity label values remain: derogatory / offensive / vulgar slang.
The sentence data has been updated with new examples for all new senses and headwords added to our English dictionaries this year (from above), as well as new examples for many other words and senses that had previously lacked them – over 4000 new examples in total. The following are some examples:
- New examples added for words including ultra-processed, twindemic, transness, prompt engineering, roadman.
- New examples added for phrases including good shout, don’t at me, break bad, not on my watch.
- New examples added for new word senses including for intercept, facilitate, cap.
Sensitivity in sentences data:
- The data has been sensitivity reviewed, with a focus on political content and current affairs.
- Enhanced sensitivity checking has also been put in place to ensure vulgar and offensive sentences are not present.
Data improvements in the Sentences endpoint:
- Extensive improvements have been performed on English sentence data to remove duplicates and ensure that examples are representative of their related word senses.
If you have any queries or feedback about the recent updates, please feel free to contact us.
English and Spanish language datasets – content update 2023:
The content of the English and Spanish datasets are being updated on the ODAPI. These updates take effect automatically from 29th November 2023.
English dictionary datasetsAdditions:
At least 330 new headwords, phrases, and senses were added to English dictionary datasets. The following are a few examples:
- New words include Black Vernacular English, cold open, direction of travel, folk horror, gajillion, hidden homeless, wokeism.
- New words related to technology include alt text, cryptoeconomy, digital age, and facial recognition
- New words in science, medicine, technology and the environment include alcohol use disorder, amoebocyte, forever chemical, gigafactory, heat island.
- New phrases include asking for a friend, blow a hoolie, break bad, down with the kids, get the memo, no cap, and play in Peoria
IPA transcriptions and audio pronunciations were also created for new entries. We have created
approximately 1,300 new pronunciation transcriptions, and approximately 2,600 new pronunciation audio
files. We have also added illustrative examples to at least 840 entries.
At least 2,400 entries were editorially revised, updated, or corrected for this release. User feedback was implemented and corrections made where appropriate.
- Major entries revised include AI, artificial intelligence, consent, elementary particle, immersive, interactive, popcorn.
- Full entries were created for at least 200 previously undefined derivatives, including altruist, ambassadorial, bullfighter, circularity, dandyish, exemplification, greenwashing.
- We revised and standardized our policy on derogatory terms and added derogatory labels to at least 340 words and meanings.
- At least 500 etymologies were updated in line with research carried out for the historical OED project, in most cases to take account of earlier first uses identified by the researchers.
Reviews and updating of sensitive content and updates made on these two datasets. User feedback has been assessed and implemented as required.
Spanish dictionary datasetsAdditions:
Over 600 new entries, 77 new phrases, and 5 new senses have been added to the Spanish dictionary. The update also includes over 100 new feminine inflections. The following are a few examples:
- New entries/phrases include candidatizar (to put [sb] forward as a candidate), ciclovía (bike lane), cisgénero (cisgender), copa menstrual (menstrual cup), emergencia climática (climate emergency), lenguaje inclusivo (inclusive language), urgenciólogo (ER doctor).
Changes in Sensitivity labels:
The list of sensitivity labels has been reduced. The labels are now marginal, despectivo (derogatory), and malsonante (vulgar/offensive). Previously, some of these labels were combined into one.
Spanish Bilingual dataset:
Over 150 new or revised entries across English-Spanish and Spanish-English are included with the new update. The following are a few examples:
- New words in English-Spanish include gender transition (transición de género), smart meter (contador inteligente), clinical depression (depresión clínica), cishet (cisheterosexual).
- New words in Spanish-English include tecnología ponible (wearable technology), okupa (squatter), lenguaje inclusivo (inclusive language), feminicidio (femicide).
Additional maintenance updates to OD API:
As a result of further maintenance, Oxford Dictionaries API has made some minor updates in effort to continue improving the consistency in the API results. These changes only affect English and Spanish data, and they do not affect the structure or any core features. The updates will be effective on the ODAPI from 29th November 2023.
Updates include:
- Etymologies now given at every relevant entry: In English datasets, etymologies are now given in every relevant entry, rather than just the first entry. For example, for “axe” in en-gb, the etymology is now given in both the noun entry and the verb entry. Previously, it was only given in the verb entry.
- Change in lexicalCategory label “idiomatic”: The lexicalCategory “idiomatic” has been replaced with “phrase”, e.g. en-gb “take someone aback”.
- Change in lexicalCategory label “residual”: The lexicalCategory “residual” with grammaticalFeature “abbreviation” has been replaced with lexicalCategory “abbreviation”, e.g. “amp” in en-gb. The lexicalCategory “residual” with grammaticalFeature “symbol” has been replaced with lexicalCategory “symbol”, e.g. “a” in en-gb.
- Standardization of punctuation in definitions: In English and Spanish datasets, the punctuation in definitions has been standardized so that no definitions end in full stops. Previously, this was inconsistent.
- Grouping of synonyms: In the English datasets, some synonyms that were previously treated separately, have now been grouped together. For exmaple, in “apex”, there is a synonym “highest point/part” – this was previously two synonyms “highest point” and “highest part”.
- Removal of some crossReferences types: In English and Spanish datasets, crossReferences no longer have the types “abbreviationOf” and “anotherTermFor”. Instead, they now have the type “seeAlso”. This information about abbreviations/alternative terms is already indicated in the crossReferenceMarker, e.g. “short for ampere” in en-gb entry for “amp”; “British term for soccer” in en-us entry for “football”.
- Changes in collocation attributes: In English-Spanish and Spanish-English, the type on collocations for non-verb parts of speech “object” has been changed to “other”. For example, in the English-Spanish entry “awkward”, the collocations “movement” and “person” now have the type “other” rather than “object”.
- Changes in some IDs: Some lexical IDs have changed. For examples, in the English thesaurus entry “arm”, the ID for archaic subsense was “t_en_gb0000798.001” and is now “t_en_gb0000798.s01”. In the Spanish dictionary entry “ambigú”, the ID for synonym “bufé” was “ida61995bd-179c-4299-b0d0-ed58f4f31ba4” and is now “m_es0002951.007”. This is due to changes in our data pipeline. We recommend that you refresh your cache, to ensure that you are using the latest IDs.
- Changes in grammaticalNote in Spanish monolingual: In the Spanish monolingual, many instances of grammaticalNote have been changed to editorialNote. For example, in the Spanish dictionary entry “ambigú”, the note “El plural es ambigúes, culto, o ambigús, popular.” now has type “editorialNote” whereas previously it was “grammaticalNote”.
If you have any queries or feedback about the recent updates, please feel free to contact us.
Maintenance Updates to OD API
Oxford Dictionaries API has recently undergone minor improvements to maintain consistency in API results. These changes do not affect the structure or any core features of the data and will be effective from 21st September 2023.
Updates include :
- Change in labelling: The "text" element of labels such as region, register, domain and semantic class labels have previously been presented with underscores, e.g. "North_American", "Egyptian_Mythology". These have now been removed, which means that these labels do not have underscores anymore e.g. "North American", "Egyptian Mythology". This change affects all endpoints that include these labels. The "id" element has not been affected by this change and remains the same.
- Adjustments to Search endpoint results: The responses given from the Search endpoint may contain more values than what was given previously, making the results more enriched and consistent. In some cases, the results may be presented in a slightly different order to previous results.
- Addition to domain class values: The Domains endpoint, which returns a list of all available domain classes for a given language, has been updated. Domain class values listed now have some additional items that were previously not present. This does not affect the domain class labels given for words in the Entries and Words endpoint.
We would love to hear from you if you have any queries or feedback about the recent updates.
English and Spanish language datasets – content update
English dictionary datasets
Around 800 definitions were added to the Oxford Dictionary of English and approximately 860 entries to the New Oxford American Dictionary, including more than 400 new headwords, phrases, and senses.
In this update we covered new terms arising from the coronavirus pandemic, science, medicine, and technology. Moreover, we continued adding new English from around the world, in particular:
- African American English: cuffing season, dookie braids, keep it 100, on the daily, usher board
- The Caribbean: bellywash, dutty, kaiso, mannish water, nice up
- South Asian and Indian English: kirana, lathicharge, shoe bite, short eats
- Canadian: bunkie, bush party, gotch, lob ball.
New phrases include fall off a cliff, keep on keeping on, knock something out of the park, let the genie out of the bottle, take a knee, live one's best life, put someone on blast, read the room, spit out one’s dummy, and the clock is ticking.
Among the senses added to existing entries are:
- jab, ‘inject (someone) with a vaccine; vaccinate’
- pivot, ‘(especially in a business context) completely change the way in which one does something’
- remote, ‘conducted or working away from a usual workplace or location, making use of communications technology’
More than 5,000 entries were editorially revised, updated, or corrected
- Major entries revised include Aryan, genocide, language, quarantine, sexuality, left wing, and right wing.
- More than 1,000 etymologies were updated
- The Mental Health and Mental Difference project researched mental and neurodevelopmental conditions and learning disability. More than 220 entries were revised.
- 5,000 illustrative examples, in particular those relating to political vocabulary, were reviewed and 1,000 replaced.
More than 400 entries were revised or updated with new synonyms. Sensitive content was reviewed and updates made, and user feedback was implemented.
We conducted a sensitivity check on the Sentence Dictionary, focusing on mental health, racial terms, protest, viruses, and epidemics. User feedback was implemented and corrections made.
Audio pronunciations were created for new entries.
In addition to English datasets, we also worked on reviewing our Spanish monolingual dataset. We added around 100 completely new entries, 50 new senses or expressions, and 50 modified entries.
Approximately 200 new or updated entries across English-Spanish and Spanish-English. The update had a particular focus on coronavirus-related terms.
Follow us on Linkedin and if you have any questions or feedback contact us!
New languages and endpoints.
Release v2.5
DatasetsHome to some of the most authoritative and reliable language data on the market, Oxford Dictionaries API now gives you access to even more languages. In this release, we’re excited to announce the inclusion of some new datasets:
- French monolingual
- English – Hausa (bilingual, bidirectional)
- English – Hindi (bilingual, bidirectional)
- English – Farsi (bilingual, monodirectional)
- English – Georgian (bilingual, monodirectional)
You can find a full list of the available datasets on the Supported languages page.
New Features- We have a new endpoint, Search Thesaurus. This endpoint replicates the functionality already available in the API for our monolingual and bilingual datasets, and extends it to our thesauri. It allows users to query possible headword matches within the Thesaurus, e.g. if you search "tall", it will give you the entries that contain "tall" in the headword.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.
You can find details of all endpoints on the Swagger Documentation page.
Stay tunedWe’ll keep adding more datasets and features in the future, so follow us on Linkedin and if you have any questions or feedback contact us!
Sentence Dictionary 2020, and various improvements.
Release v2.4
Thank you for choosing the Oxford Dictionaries API, the self-service toolkit for our world-renowned lexical data. This version includes:
- An update on the English Sentence Dictionary, available via the Sentences endpoint: as part of the sensitivity review hundreds of sentences were edited, deleted, or replaced. Sets of sentences were added to 250 senses that previously lacked them.
- Multiple bug-fixes and performance improvements in the Search endpoint.
- We moved pronunciations from lexicalEntry to entry level.
- As announced in the v2.3.1 release notes, LexiStats is completely removed from the API.
We’ll keep adding more datasets and features in the future, so follow us on Linkedin and if you have any questions or feedback contact us!
Annual update to English and Spanish lexical resources.
Release v2.3.1
At Oxford Languages we’re working hard to deliver the most updated and consistent sets of lexical data to our community of developers. v2.3.1 of the Oxford Dictionaries API brings the latest English and Spanish resources we have delivered, to reflect how people use languages in 2020.
New words, new senses, new definitions.We have added 1,232 definitions to Oxford Dictionary of English (/en-gb/) and 1,324 to New Oxford American Dictionary (/en-us/), including 425 completely new headwords, phrases, and senses:
- New words include bliss point, boop, climate emergency, cutie pie, dark arts, deepfake, deplatform, digital nomad, love-bomb, misogynoir, net zero, non-job, overtourism, Padawan, plant-based, stablecoin, vulture capitalism, zoomies.
- More than thirty terms relating to the coronavirus outbreak were added, such as contact tracing, corona, Covid-19, elbow bump, flatten the curve, R0, self-isolate, shelter in place, social distancing.
- New phrases include days of wine and roses, go rogue, grow a pair, may the Force be with you, poison the well, sunlit uplands.
- New senses of existing words include: gammon (a middle-aged or older white man with conservative, traditionalist views, stereotypically characterized as having a red or flushed complexion); juice (a liquid containing nicotine and flavouring that is used in vaping devices); learning (a thing learned by experience; a lesson); ping-pong (a series of rapid exchanges between two parties or groups); Rover (a generic name for a pet dog); snack (a sexually attractive person).
- New science, technology, and medical words include gas and air, geosmin, helicase, hyponatraemia, linea alba, Nipah virus, solutions architect, strange matter, virtual machine.
- Dozens of new words from global varieties of English, including 40 terms from a special project on Philippines English and Filipino culture, for example carnap, comfort room, dirty ice cream, kare-kare, kikay, lechon, pan de sal, sara-sari store, yaya. Other World English terms include chop-chop, eat money, mama put (Nigerian), mamak, talk cock (SE Asian), add oil, dai pai dong, sandwich class (Hong Kong); wet market (China and SE Asia); char kway teow, chilli crab (Malaysia and Singapore); hensopper (South African).
We added 400 new entries across the English-Spanish and Spanish-English texts. On the English-Spanish side additions include words such as climate emergency, e-liquid, escape room, fake news, flight shame, plant-based, school strike, and unconscious bias.
On the Spanish-English side new words include: altavoz inteligente (smart speaker); cigarrillo eléctrico (e-cigarette); emergencia climática (climate emergency); leche de almendras (almond milk); masculinidad tóxica (toxic masculinity); poliamoroso (polyamorous); salud mental (mental health).
RevisionsMore than 3,700 entries were editorially revised, updated, or corrected:
- High-profile words revised include working class, middle class, upper class and related words; gypsy and related words; coronavirus; eugenics; car; surrogate mother; human trafficking; impeach.
- Gender-neutral meanings were added to they, them, their, etc.
- Science terms revised include entries for quark and related words; Down’s syndrome and other syndromes
- We are deprecating LexiStats. The endpoint /stats/ will be available only until the next release of the Oxford Dictionaries API (likely end of May).
- Pronunciation audio files are now served over TLS from https://audio.oxforddictionaries.com
We’ll keep adding more datasets and features in the future, so follow us on Linkedin and if you have any questions or feedback contact us!
Arabic, Russian, Marathi, and the new Inflections endpoint.
Release v2.3
The Oxford Dictionaries API is the self-service toolkit for our world-renowned dictionary data. Built to equip and empower developers with Oxford’s diverse and customizable datasets, the Oxford Dictionaries API provides reliable, up-to-date monolingual and bilingual data in an accessible, scalable environment.
Version 2.3 of the Oxford Dictionaries API introduces a number of significant additions to our language collection and feature capabilities.
A much requested feature, the Inflections endpoint (often referred to as reverse lemmas), provides versatility and practicality to your projects.
From today, you’ll be able to retrieve a list of all the valid inflections starting from a dictionary headword. In a nutshell, if you give the API a headword (i.e. be in English), you’ll get am, are, is, been, being, was, were, be.
Head over to our documentation now, and check out the URL structure.
We’d love to know how you’re using the inflections endpoint, so please do get in touch.
New datasets: all about bilingual dictionaries.Alongside the Inflections endpoint we’re continuing to add new languages to the API. In this release, we’re excited to announce the following bilingual dictionaries are now accessible via API:
- The Oxford Russian Dictionary, the oldest of our bilingual dictionaries, is a bidirectional dictionary between English and Russian. Updated every year since 1972 with new words and senses, it can be relied upon for high quality Russian bilingual data. It contains approximately 40000 headwords from English, and 50000 from Russian. Endpoints: Translations, Search Translations.
- The Oxford Arabic Dictionary, a bidirectional English-Arabic dictionary containing approximately 54000 words (27000 each side). Endpoints: Translations, Search Translations.
- English-Marathi bilingual, another bidirectional dictionary, with approximately 15000 words per side. Endpoints: Translations, Search Translations.
The Translations endpoint has a much more robust output now, with inflections, cross-references at entry level, synonyms at entry level, and derivatives at parent level.
Stay tunedWe’ll keep adding more datasets and features in the future, so follow us on Linkedin and if you have any questions or feedback contact us!
Introducing the Words endpoint
Release v2.2
You asked we listened. Introducing the Words endpoint, a new feature that enables you to retrieve definitions, pronunciations, word origins, and grammatical data across headwords and inflected words with just one call to the API.
Take, for example, swims. Previously to find the definition of swims, you’d need to first use the Lemmas endpoint to link to the headword, swim. Release v2.2 removes the middle step and streamlines the process to reach the definition of swims.
The Words endpoint is available for English, Spanish, Swahili, Latvian, Romanian, Gujarati, Hindi, and Tamil.
Dive into the documentation to find out more.
New DatasetsIn this release, we’re excited to announce the inclusion of:
- English-Italian bilingual.
- English-Igbo.
- English-Yoruba.
- Tone groups: a new data feature providing one or more encodings of a distinct tonal variation for a lexical item or its translation.
- Thesaurus endpoint: now supports grammatical features.
- Search endpoint: the total number of results matching a query has been fixed to provide a more accurate number, and large queries now produce more reliable results.
- Search results are now being capped at 10,000.
- Bug fixes and general performance improvements.
We’ll keep adding more datasets and features in the future, so follow us on Linkedin and if you have any questions or feedback contact us!
Chinese bilingual, Romanian monolingual, schema changes and more
Release v2.1
DatasetsOxford Dictionaries is home to some of the most authoritative and reliable dictionaries on the market, and we’re continuing to add those to the API. In this release, we’re excited to announce the inclusion of some new datasets:
- Chinese bilingual.
- Romanian monolingual.
- Swahili, Setswana, Northern Sotho, Latvian, isiZulu, Romanian, and Tamil have now the Lemmas endpoint available.
- Filters parameters and Fields parameter available for translations endpoint.
- Constructions at sense level.
- Etymologies at sense level.
- Registers at pronunciation level.
- Word property in schema is deprecated.
- Other bug fixes and general performance improvements.
- HTTP URL’s have been deprecated, from now on only HTTPS is accepted.
We’ll keep adding more datasets and features in the future, so follow us on Linkedin and if you have any questions or feedback contact us!
Oxford Dictionaries API v2.0
Release v2.0
Welcome to Oxford Dictionaries API v2.0 – the biggest upgrade to the service since it launched in 2016. Whilst preserving the core functionality of v1, we have vastly improved both the API you see and how it works behind the scenes. This gives us a better platform on which to launch even more features in the future. Take a look at our new Documentation to get you started. Happy coding!
Summary of key changes:
COMING SOON: The Oxford English Wordlist is a new product that replaces the Wordlist endpoint. This is a comprehensive list of all valid English words across our dictionaries and is the perfect resource for building word games, giving you the confidence that only real, valid words can be played by your users. Contact us to find out more and get access before everyone else!
NOTE: v1.11.0 will continue to work alongside v2.0 without any change to your App ID or App Key. Be sure to migrate over to v2.0 soon though, as v1 will be retired in June 2019.
More words, more features, better security
Release v.1.11.0
English content update
New features
Security fixes
For further information about the updates and for more news on the API, be sure to check
out our new blog.
Thank you for all your feedback so far. Please do continue to get in touch with any questions, feedback, or ideas for future developments to Oxford Dictionaries API.
Lexistats – lexical data from our renowned monitor corpus
Release v.1.10.0
A new set of endpoints has now been added to the Oxford Dictionaries API, collectively called
Up until now the API has allowed you to query the content as it exists in our dictionaries, but
before it gets
there, we gather and scrutinize vast amounts of data in our New Monitor Corpus to monitor how words
behave and
decide what should be included. LexiStats gives you direct access to this data in the form of
n-grams and
frequency information. If you are creating a word game and would like to create different levels
depending on
ability and difficulty of the words, frequency data can help. Or, if you are working in natural
processing, n-gram frequency can help you disambiguate one word from another. We can’t wait to see
what you
Three LexiStats endpoints are included in this release: word, word lists, and n-grams. Read the
here, and feel free to contact us if you want to know more or have ideas for improvements.
Please note that
requests to the LexiStats API count against your normal monthly allocation of calls.
New words
Release v.1.10.0 also includes a big update of new words in both the Oxford Dictionary of
English and
the New Oxford American Dictionary.
Both these updates are available for all new and existing developers, on all access plans, for
no additional
Thank you for all your feedback so far. Please do continue to get in touch with any questions, feedback, or ideas for future developments to Oxford Dictionaries API.
Tamil and Gujarati added to the API
Release v.1.8.0
Our Oxford Global Languages (OGL)
programme aims
to offer digital representation for 100 of the world’s languages. We’re delighted to announce that,
as part of
the OGL initiative, Tamil and Gujarati datasets are now available through our API.
Thank you for all your feedback so far. Please do continue to contact us with any questions, feedback, or ideas for future developments to Oxford Dictionaries API.
New branding resources
New branding resources including logos and usage guidelines are now available for those using our API.
These can be viewed here.
Thank you for all your feedback so far. Please do continue to contact us with any questions, feedback, or ideas for future developments to Oxford Dictionaries API.
More calls per minute and more flexible allowances
Two changes have been made to the API to allow for greater flexibility for those who often come
close to
hitting their limits:
Thank you for all your feedback so far. Please do continue to contact us with any questions, feedback, or ideas for future developments to Oxford Dictionaries API.
German and Portuguese added to the API
Release v.1.7.0
Oxford Dictionaries is home to some of the most authoritative bilingual dictionaries available, and
continuing to work hard to bring these to you via the API. In this release, we’re excited to
announce the
inclusion of our bilingual German and Portuguese endpoints:
Bug fixes
Retrieving headwords with symbols in the ID
Previously, it was not possible to search for headwords like ‘n/a’ or ‘s/he’ because the forward
confused the URL request. This has been resolved by adding an additional parameter after the
Removal of duplicate data in the Lemmatron
Fixes to certain incorrect inflection responses via the Lemmatron.
Thank you for all your feedback so far. Please do continue to contact us with any questions, feedback, or ideas for future developments to Oxford Dictionaries API.
Explore the latest additions to Oxford Dictionaries API
Release v.1.5.0
The team at Oxford Dictionaries API has learnt a lot from the developer community since our first
and this update includes a number of refinements to make the API even more relevant to your needs.
Firstly, we’ve added the ability to filter by grammatical features to a number
of our
endpoints. Grammatical features include attributes like gender, number, and person. To make it easy
to find
out which grammatical features exist in each language dataset, we’ve added a convenient
Utility endpoint: GET api/v1/grammaticalfeatures/{source_language}
The Wordlist endpoint has also been improved to allow for more granular
filtering. You
can now choose between exclude, exclude_senses, and
exclude_prime_senses in the exclude parameter.
Thank you for all your feedback so far. Please do continue to contact
us with
any questions, feedback, or ideas for future developments to Oxford Dictionaries API.
Explore new language datasets and the Sentence Dictionary endpoint
Release v1.4.0
Two exciting monolingual datasets, Swahili and Hindi, have been added to the Oxford Dictionaries API
in our
latest update.
This release also sees the addition of our new Sentences endpoint for English and
Spanish. The
Oxford Sentence Dictionary is a vast, sense-linked databank of more than 1.9 million real-life
examples of
English in use, taken from the corpus. You can find out more about the Oxford corpora here.
Introducing Search and Thesaurus endpoints
Release v1.3.0
v.1.3.0 is one of the most comprehensive and powerful updates yet! In response to ongoing feedback from our
Early Adopters
we’re delighted to have released a powerful Search endpoint in v1.3.0, allowing
developers to
integrate the great search capabilities that you see on our dictionary sites. This incorporates
headword, morphological, and ‘fuzzy’ matching to make sure that each query receives an accurate set
possible headword matches to then combine with other functionality. We’ve also launched a
Thesaurus endpoint, which for the first time makes our synonym and antonym data for
accessible via API.
That’s not all, we’ve also included new dictionary datasets from our growing range of Oxford
Languages sites. These are:
Malay–English bilingual
Indonesian–English bilingual
Setswana–English bilingual
Urdu–English bilingual (one way)
Thank you so much to everyone that has provided feedback. We’re looking forward to the live launch at the ends of September! You can also combine filters to create more specific lists.
We would love to hear your feedback
Are you part of the Early Adopter Programme? If so, would love to hear your feedback about the Oxford Dictionaries API. Would you be able to spare 5 minutes to fill out this brief survey?
Have you logged in recently?
By logging into your Oxford Dictionaries API account you can manage your account, update details, and look at your usage statistics.
New datasets and endpoints added
Release v1.2.0
Our latest release includes the addition of two new datasets to the Oxford Dictionaries API: English-Romanian (a unidirectional bilingual dataset) and Latvian monolingual. This release also sees the launch of our exciting new Wordlists endpoint, which can be used to extract lists of words matching specified filters:
Lexical category: returns a list that only includes words from the specified category (e.g. nouns from a dataset).
Registers: returns lists of words tagged with the specified register (e.g. only words tagged as ‘rare’).
Domains: returns words that are tagged with a specific subject domain, such as ‘sport’.
Regions: lists only words from a specific region (e.g. words tagged as ‘US English’).
Use the Utility endpoints to explore the available categories within a particular dataset and create wordlists that suit your application. You can also combine filters to create more specific lists.
Coming soon: in September, we will be adding more datasets and a powerful Search endpoint, as well as a Thesaurus endpoint with the ability to extract synonyms and antonyms.
Updating your API gateway url
As part of our ongoing performance improvements we have migrated to a new API gateway. Please update your applications to the new URL asap. The old URL ceased to work after Wednesday 30th August 2016.
Previous URL: https://od-api-2445581300291.apicast.io:443
New URL: https://od-api.oxforddictionaries.com
Explore our data with 5 new ‘Utility’ endpoints
Release v1.1.0
In order to allow quick and easy exploration of our data, we’ve launched a number of ‘Utility’ endpoints in this release. Below is a summary of all 5:
Domains: returns a list of the available domain tags within a dataset (e.g., nautical, photography).
LexicalCategories: returns the lexical categories, or parts of speech, identified in a particular dataset (e.g., particle, noun, determiner).
Filters: lists the different attributes you can filter different endpoints by.
Languages: lists the datasets available with a specified source or target language
Registers: returns the register labels present in a specified dataset (e.g., informal, technical, or even ‘theatrical slang’).
Oxford Dictionaries data is incredibly rich in depth and detail, and the above Utility endpoints aim to make navigating it that bit easier. If you would like to know any more about our data, please do get in touch and we’ll help guide you through it.
We’re listening to all the feedback we’re receiving from our Early Adopters and will be releasing even more functionality and languages in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!
Welcome to the Oxford Dictionaries API
We’re very pleased to introduce our new API which gives you easy access to our world-renowned dictionary content. The Oxford Dictionaries API is currently only available to our Early Adopters. You can learn more about what content and functionality will be available on our About and FAQ pages. If you’d like to find out more about our Early Adopter Programme, please contact us.